Monday, April 11, 2011

FREEDOM. . . FrEeDoM.. . Freedom.. . . freedum.

Mother and father,

I miss you. As much as I love it here with freedom to spare. I still miss you. It was a long journey to get here. A very long, painful journey. But the day I got here, I realized, it was all worth it. I really wish you had come with me, Henry, and Beanpole.

When I was still in Wherton, I was happy, but as soon as the tripods came, I knew there was going to be trouble. I almost instantly knew, that there was something unnatural about this, and I didn't like it one tiny bit. As soon as I heard about them capping us, that was when things got to hard to handle, I still can't think of my life being controlled in that way, I would hate every minute of it! I wanted to live my life passionately and freely, not controlled and loveless.

Life, is all about taking chances and risks, just by looking at the tripod, being capped would hardly be a life at all. Societies should be able to function on their own, they should have a leader such as a mayor, or a president, or a prime-minister. A leader guides us in the right direction, they give us the freedom to vote and do such things. But the tripods would take down right control of you and leave you no mercy. Everything you think is recorded, your brain sends instant messages, your probably sending them now. I better go before the tripods find out too much.

I miss you and I hope those machines are leaving you be. Like they should be.


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