Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Our Minds and How They Work

Ever wondered why you can't focus, why others are always on task, and you're thinking about lunch or your after school activity? Well, I always did. It wasn't easy to find out the truth until a mind boggling Humanities class changed the way I think about my brain. The answer was simple. One body part is better than the other. They are called the dominant body parts. For instance, my dominant hand is my right hand. It works better for righting and catching a ball. These things may determine the way I learn and how I work.

I work best when I can sit at a certain angle from the front of the classroom to make sure that most of my dominant body parts are facing where they should be in order to hear see or write better more consistently. So it would be easier for me to work if I was on the right side of the classroom. Where my dominant hand and dominant ear are. Therefore I could hear best with my dominant ear and not have to twist my body to write. Of course, I could still learn and participate if I was on the left side of the classroom, but there would be more of a chance that I would get distracted and stare off into the corner of the classroom.

I need to. . .

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