Sunday, January 9, 2011

New Years Comes With Thinking. . .

Every year comes with a challenge. Living up to expectations. No one likes disappointing others, you feel bad, confused angry and so many other feelings it's hard to explain. Resolution. Expectations. Solution. Act. Conclusion. I believe that these are the words most people should live by.

Allot happens in a year, we learn, we cry, we eat, sleep, and yes, poop. But most important of all, we expect things from others, and expect things from ourselves. As I said before no one enjoys being let down or letting down others. That's why you have to chose a good and reachable goal at the beginning of the year, called a resolution. For instance my resolution is to get fit and be healthy. Now I expect that of myself  and others expect that of me. I need to find out a way to solve me not being fit or healthy, then I act on it, I want to improve on the 100 meter dash, I run on the treadmill. Then I conclude my goal by seeing if I actually reached it.

But before all that new years resolution junk, there's Christmas. Christmas, I am pretty sure that Christmas is the most celebrated holiday in the U.S and Canada. Every year traditions are followed, gifts are wrapped, and trees are decorated. But the most special part, the whole family in christmas pajamas opening presents and drinking hot chocolate on christmas morning. This year my parents went above and beyond and got me something I always wanted but NEVER believed I could get. I guess I was an extra good girl that year because when we ran to our stockings, I saw and white box about the size of a laptop with an image of and Ipad on it. I couldn't believe it!! Gaahhh! I got an Ipad! At first I thought that my mom was playing a joke and there would be nothing inside. But I opened the box and saw a black screen and thought at that moment that nothing could be cooler. I quickly closed the box and set it down gently, then if I RAN over to my mom and dad and hugged them. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank thank  thank thank yooouuu!!!!"

I will never hesitate when you ask me what time of year is my favorite, because it will always be new years and Christmas. For mostly the same reason, celebration with family, friends, aunts, uncle, neighbors etc. And every new years I am lucky to have great teachers and a family that loves me!


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