Thursday, October 28, 2010

Papua New Guinea Not Up-To-Date?

Why isn't Papua New Guinea as up-to-date as it should be? Studies show that it could possibly be because of their location. But, Papua New Guinea is in the same region as Australia and New Zealand, which are immensely modern and hip.

Papa New Guineans have much to worry about. They still live as hunter gatherers in small groups. They have make sure that everyone is sheltered and fed. It's not easy when your life is depended on whatever nature could possibly throw at you. These people are very deserving of everything they get. But why don't they have as much "cargo" as we do? That very question was asked at random to a middle aged scientist on the beaches of Papua New Guinea. He was there to study how the New Guineans lived and was puzzled with this very question.

It is as simple as 6th grade logic that you would realize how largely difficult it is to live as a hunter gatherer.  There is always so much to do. And they don't have barely any time to get caught up in Ipods and Televisions and all that. They literally can't afford the time to sit down and stare at a screen. And look at modern humans, for some of us our lives depend on computers and televisions.

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