Monday, August 9, 2010

About Me

Hi everyone! My name is Lily. Recently I have been reading the Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins and before that I was reading Percy Jackson and The Battle of the Labyrinth and Percy Jackson The Last Olympian both of which are written by Rick Riordan. Lately I went to see Salt with Angelina Jolie. Although it seems as if I am focused on books and movies my goal this year is to try my hardest and do my absolute best at every path or choice I take. In order to do that I am planning on extending my academic abilities in reading, writing, and speech. I know it is going to be hard but I hope to strive and help friends and peers to do the same which is my social goal. Now something fun! One year my parents decided that we should go to Krabi, Thailand. So one afternoon we were hanging out on the beach (full of people and monkeys) so my brother decided to take a stick and poke at a monkey with it. When the monkey gets fed up with my brother, he and his friends jump out of the tree and start chasing him down the beach. I quite enjoyed watching my brother flail and scream down a public beach while we just stared, pointed, and laughed. If I had to chose five things to describe myself, I would pick: open minded, outgoing, caring, active, up-for-anything, and confident. Thank you for reading all about me! Hope you enjoyed it!

Lily Casey

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