Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Child Education

One man,  Adam, was visiting India when he was inspired and heart broken by the devistating encounters he had with the Indian children.  “It began with a question. A small boy begging on the streets of India. ‘What do you want most in the world?’ I asked, ‘A pencil.’” Adam, like many people, is starting to realize how important it is to educate the youth all around the world to give them a future instead of resorting to things that could cause self harm or even death. Many children in impovershed countries are either forced into labor, slavery, marriage at such a young age, or simply can’t afford or don’t have access to an education. It is because of organizations such as ‘Pencils of Promise’ is fighting for the right for all children to be educated. This organization is dedicated to fulfilling childrens rights to an education, by giving them access to a learning environment by building schools in impovershed areas, and educating the public on the lack of child education.

According to the Right to Education Project,  all children have to right to learn and be educated for a better future, and they are doing everything possible to uphold that right. This committee has many goals to aim for to give children easier access to education. “States Parties recognize the right of the child to education, and with a view to achieving this right progressively and on the basis of equal opportunity, they shall, in particular:
(a) Make primary education compulsory and available free to all;
(c) Make higher education accessible to all on the basis of capacity by every appropriate means;
(d) Make educational and vocational information and guidance available and accessible to all children;
(e) Take measures to encourage regular attendance at schools and the reduction of drop-out rates.”
As you can see, they have considered many specific ways to try and increase the amount of kids going to school, or at least primary school. The fact these essentials aren’t available in the first place is saddening. However, the lacking of these things has caught the publics attention. They are now focusing on the most important ways to increase how many children go to school. By giving them easier access and even to encourage kids who feel the need to drop out. These are all effective ways, to help a child get a better education. These children are however, discriminated against based on their color, race, gender, etc.“States Parties shall respect and ensure the rights set forth in the present Convention to each child within their jurisdiction without discrimination of any kind, irrespective of the child's or his or her parent's or legal guardian's race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national, ethnic or social origin, property, disability, birth or other status.”This quote states that there is obviously an issue with kids and their race, gender, sex and religion. Discrimination is brought upon these children and they are often denied the access to education despite rights that state they should have the same schooling oportunities as more well-off children. The Rights to Education Project has cleary stated the difference between right and wrong and are working to give children the standard needs and help them for the better.

Though the Right to Education project is a good way of informing the public, the Pencils of Promise organization is about taking action and doing what’s right by building schools in places that are in need.Pencils of Promise is trying to focus on a specific goal that they are steadily aiming to achieve. “we focus on building strong structures and sustainable education programs. By forming long-lasting, collaborative relationships with communities, we increase access to quality education and positively impact students and parents in high-need communities throughout Laos, Nicaragua, and Guatemala.”Pencils of Promise is a non-profit ogranization that takes action because other people are failing to do so. They are focused on the  good of the children as they are willing to put in time, without getting paid, to build these schools, sometimes with their own two hands. Aiming to give a better future for these kids, Pencils of Promise is hoping to impact people with a need for a basic foundation of education.With out that, children have much less of a future in life, they are more likely to fail to get employed because of their lack of knowledge. “Poverty rates for high school dropouts is three times higher than poverty rates among high school graduates. Poverty rates for men and women at different levels of educational attainment show a gap that narrows as people go up the educational ladder. For example, in 1994 the poverty rate in the U.S. for men 25 to 54 years of age who did not finish high school was 27% and 38 percent for women.”It is evident in this quote that education reflects how your life will be after you finish schooling. Or even if you don’t get a chance to go to school. Many children, however, would love to go to school, but simply don’t have access or they must walk miles before they get to a decent one. That’s why, by slowly building schools in places with a need and hunger for education, you can change a child's life and ensure them of a better future.Pencils of Promise has learned what they had to do, and instead of waiting around, they rolled their sleeves up and did it themselves for the kids, they have now successfully broken ground on their 100th school and are starting to get the public’s attention.

It is of course, most important to educate the children, but the easiest and sure fire way to do so is by educating the public as well.The public has the power, they hold everything in the palms of their hands, money, opinions, connections, voice, you can do something, but with the public on your side, you are more likely to succeed. “Thousands have joined us, making contributions through acts both large and small.There are more than 75 million children without access to education, and we intend to change this.” Pencils of Promise is a steady organization, but it really depends on the public's reaction. They are trying to gain as many followers as possible by reaching out to different communities.  Adam Braun, the CEO, has connections to people around the world and uses that to his advantage. For example, Adam’s brother, Scott (a.k.a Scooter) works in the music industry and has signed many well known artists such as Justin Bieber, The Wanted, and PSY. He then ecourages them to reach out to their fanbase and get them to support. It’s connections like these that help children around the world. If you intend to make a change, you have to get the public to listen.Although you have the public’s attention, they may feel that what they can do is so little, that it’s almost no help at all. “We’ve learned that education is a living, breathing entity that with the right nurturing, evolves into something spectacular. We’ve learned that every piece of its growth is a challenge and that each pencil, each dollar, each volunteer is essential.” This organization is trying to make it clear that always do what you can. Every dollar, every bit of help they can get, is leading them closer and closer to a better life for these kids. The problem is that people are almost too lazy to help out. For example this generation of teenagers is known for procrastinating. Meaning we will put things off until it becomes a dire situation. But in this case, we can’t wait, we have to start giving now. This situation is already urgent as it is. By connecting with the public and putting idea’s out there, you are more likely to succeed with your goal, especially it it has good intentions.

Without the Pencils of Promise organization, there is a steady group of leaders ready to fight the battle against uneducated childrem by creating simpler access to schools, reinforcing the childrens right to an education, and getting the public to notice and take charge.So here’s what you can do to help, go to this page an find out what you can do for these children in need, wether it’s hosting a bake sale, putting up flyers, collecting donations, do something for the good of your fellow global citizens.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Kesz's Story

Kesz’ Journey to a Better Life

As stated by the childrens care website “More than 30 million in the world are not immunized against treatable or preventable diseases”. In the Philippines alone, there are 15 million street children and almost all of them don’t even know how to simply brush their teeth or wash their hands to keep away the germs. This was all realized by a young boy named Kesz. In the dumpsites of the Phillipines, this young boy lived  in garbage at the age of four. Because he was rescued from his hardships, Kesz is bravely and powerfully fighting to provide street children with hygenic education and hope.

Kesz has been very grateful for the helping hands that pulled him out of the fire. As a result, he believes that he should do the same for the street children of the Philippines. After Kesz decided to run away from his abusive father, he fell into a pit of burning tires as he was roaming the dumpsite. “Looking back, the fire that burned my skin and flesh is the same fire that started a flame in my soul. A flame that would warm cold hearts, a flame that would shed light to the path of the lost, a flame that would spark hope, lighting an entire sea of darkness and desperation.” Kesz’s Acceptance speach. The pain Kesz had to undergo made him work to end the pain for street children. Some of the things Kesz was able to accomplish was instructing the children to sanitize themselves to prevent escapable death. Without all of this hardship, he wouldn’t have been able to help others. You could say that the same fire that burned away his flesh and skin, also burned away the fear and doubt. Because of this, Kesz has come out on the other side of the suffering much stronger than he was before. In Kesz’s case, he was rescued by Mr. Harnin, “Mr. Harnin, the father I  look up to, taught me these principles and keeps on reminding me daily by his own life’s example.” When Kesz was in the burn unit it was a day of suffering, but when Mr.Harnin walked in it was suddenly his last days of pain. Mr. Harnin provided him with love and care, and he would love to reciprocate that love for the children in the streets. If he could follow Mr.Harnin’s examples and help the ones in need or “burning” then what’s stopping him from making life better for the street children?

Kesz has been very successful in improving the health of the street children because he taught the little things that make a big difference. Kesz feels strongly about improving the smaller issues.  “Everyday 6,000 children die from diseases associated with poor sanitation, poor hygiene, and WE CAN DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!”  In this quote, Kesz is dropping a cold hard fact on the audience. It’s not fun to hear. But you can’t choose what you want to hear. It’s reality. The most horrific . Kesz has decided to provide hope and education to the street children.“My message to all children here and around the globe is; our health is our wealth! Being healthy will enable you to play, to think clearly, get up and go to school and love the people around you in so many.” This quote states that being healthy unlocks your ability to all these other oppurtunities. Kesz has taken the chance he was given to turn life around for these kids by showing them how to take care of themselves and give them some vital information that could help them further along in life, and could even help the children of the future. If you take care of yourself, you are more able to help the others around you.

With all these points in mind, it is clear that Kesz has done everything in his power to help the street children in the Philippines. Kesz has proved that you must still do something even if what you can do, is not as significant as you would think. You don’t need to donate buckets of cash to the red cross or donate all your belongings. Kesz has changed the lives of children by teaching them how to sanitize themselves in the simplest ways that make all the difference. This story not only is very heartbreaking, but it makes you think, if he can make such a difference, there is nothing to stop me from doing the same.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

All the World's a Stage, and I'm Center Stage

I am from barbies, trees and swings.
From pucks balls, and scrums.
I am from The Wanted and Justin Bieber.
I am from Dinosaurs, Weeping Angels, Ogres, donkeys, mammoths and sloths.

I am from sizzling, from icy, from parched, from wet.
I’m from sandy to grassy, from deserts to forests.
From smooth and moist, to sharp and dry.
I’m from small, quick, dense, loud but quiet, and very oddly mysterious.

I’m from my amazing mom and dad, my aunts and uncles, my cousins, and my siblings.
I’m from the most wonderful girl the in the world. I love you.
I’m from the most cheerful, bright, smart homeroom teacher anyone could ask for.
I’m from flawless boy bands, and perfect Canadian pop singers.

I’m from twizzlers, nerds, sweet tarts, Scooby snacks, and gushers.
I’m from pasta, but some make me gag.
I’m from curries, pad thai, and pizza.

I’m from faith, love, and broken hearts.
I’m from friends, idols, and family.
I’m from depression, power, cheer.

I’m from a cat viciously attacking a brown bear during a family camp trip.
I’m from whiteboards, competition, bright lights, English, and kids kids kids!
I’m from “You could use improvement” and “You’ll go far”
I’m from going to see my idols in a concert, and fishing with my brother

I’m from all kinds of aspects from life, sometimes the fit, sometimes they don’t but I’m from making lemonade with the lemons life gives me.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


To maintain control, you must have power. Most people would disagree with that statement, but I'm not one of those people. I believe that to change or control a society, you need to have some form of power to influence and maintain a kingdom/ country. For example, in the Medieval times the King had so much power that he could force England to do anything he wanted them too. He knew that the peasants and serfs couldn't do anything to him because they had no power. So he kept raising taxes. But in modern day, it's not all bad. Most well functioning countries have a main source of power. Whether it's a president, a Prime-Minister,  or a King. But countries with a government that has a bad handle of their people, it affects their power. Take Syria for example, the people want to chose their ruler. But the government won't let them. Denying the rights to chose the leader has sparked violent protests, hense losing the power of the government.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Events of 1066:Harold Godwinson

In the year of 1066, there were three powerful leaders fighting for the crown of England. All three men had a strong claim to the throne, but Harold Godwinson stood out amongst them all. Since Kind Edward didn't have any children to take over the thrown, he chose his successor Harold Godwinson. The reason being is that Godwinson is from England and he is the Earl of Wessex, making him experienced in leadership. Also, Harold's sister was married to Kind Edward. No one was surprised King Edward made a decision on Harold Godwinson, everyone agreed with him including the nobles. Godwinson was a strong leader who promised that the nobles could remain powerful. These are the reasons why Harold Godwinson had the strongest claim to the throne of England.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Schindler's List

Was Schindler a hero? A bystander? Or was he doing it for his own selfish reasons? Well, I simply believe it's all of them. Confusing I know but when you think about it, Schindler never stopped the cause or stood up to it, he never said that it was wrong or took a stand. But he also kept thousands of Jews from going off to those awful camps and getting killed, instead, he gave them a purpose in life, and some money. But was he doing that to make his life easier? Probably, but when those Jewish women were accidentally taken away to Auschwitz, he did pay a fortune to get them back. He certainly did think what was going on was wrong, you could tell when he was on the hill looking down at the blood being spilled in the drains. But he didn't try to prevent anything from happening, he just reduced it. I think Schindler was a hero, for doing what he can and saving thousands of lives but at the same time having them work for him.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Sonia Weitz- Victory

I chose the poem Victory by Sonia Weitz, a very touching poem about Sonia and her father having one last dance together before he was sent away to be killed. This was a very moving poem especially for me because I love my dad so much, and thinking of me and him together knowing I will never see him again, just breaks my heart. The part where it says "My lovely father (once big and strong)" was touching because it was saying that the concentration camps or death camps, make great strong people into small weak beings that don't have a purpose in life anymore. Also how Sonia was so hungry and so scared but when she was with him, none of that mattered and in fact almost went away. That's what really pulled at my heart, because when you love someone so much that they can make you feel safe even though your destined to die and that person is just taken away from you because of your religious beliefs, it must be the toughest thing anyone has ever had to endure. This made me extremely sad, it's even making me teary eyed. I think that it's so unfair just to separate this little girl and her father because of what they believe in.

Monday, February 20, 2012

What Caused the Holocaust?

Back a long long time ago when World War 1 ended, there was quite a massive downfall in the German society due to the Treaty of Versailles. The economy plummeted which lead to hyperinflation. Hyperinflation was a serious event in Germany. What happened was that economy wasn't doing well, so they printed money to see if that helped. Well it didn't. What happened is when you print money, you have to print it carefully because you need to make sure that you don't print too much and have it lose it's value. Well that's what happened. Germany was weak, looking for a leader. They wanted somebody to blame. Adolf Hitler saw it as an opportunity and tried to take over. The first time didn't work, but then the leader died, and he was appointed Chancellor. He made it very clear that the reason they lost the war was because of the Jews. He wanted an ideal German (blonde with blue eyes and non-jewish). And since the people wanted somebody to blame and Hitler was such a convincing speaker, they bought it. So, it was basically a series of lucky events for Hitler. And that is how he came about.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Nuremberg Race Laws

Now, a Jew wouldn't be defined as someone who has relatives that are Jews. Nowadays, a Jewish person would be defined as a individual with different beliefs. Aryanizing mean that all businesses run by Jews were dismissed or called off, and/or taken over by non-Jewish businessmen. Professional Jews such as doctors weren't allowed to treat non-jewish patients. Also, jewish lawyers weren't allowed to practice law. "The for the Protection of the Hereditary Health of the German People"was a law that all Germans had to obey. Basically you had to get a certificate from the official health authorities of Germany if you wanted to get married. But you weren't given a certificate if you had a hereditary disease or illness.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Hitler Takes Control: Targeting the Communists and other Political Parties

Civil rights are rules to keep freedom amongst other people with different ethnicities, religions, and gender. Some examples of civil rights are (in America) African-American people are allowed to sit anywhere on a bus, and also there's a law against slavery.

Hitler made people believe that what he was doing to jews was the right thing to do. How? Well, he convinced people that anyone different wasn't good for the country. Hitler persuaded people into believing that by killing off all of the jews, he was making it a better place for everyone else to live. So it was a small sacrifice in comparison to them. 

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Treaty of Versailles

The Treaty of Versailles was a very reasonable way to make peace with the other countries and Germany.  The reason I think it's fair is because Germany admitted defeat, and they agreed to it in the first place. And secondly, they treaty with Germany was just supposed to keep them from doing any more harm to other countries, for example limiting the amount of ships they were allowed to have and the amount of soldiers. Germany could have said they didn't want to end the war and keep going, but instead they admitted defeat! They agreed and signed the treaty, they don't have the right to say it's unfair. So to sum this all up, Germany brought it on themselves and it's no one else's fault.