"And that pain you feel? That's life. The confusion and fear? That's there to remind you, that somewhere out there is something better, and that something IS worth fighting for."-Nathan Scott
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Religious Heros
Most religious icons believe strongly in their religion. Therefore they are loyal. I also feel that it's hard to obey all or most of the teachings in a religion, if you are going to obey all of them, it becomes your life. And when it becomes hard to live a life by your religion, you need strong. And that is another trait that most heros have. Religious icons are also very brave. They need to make sacrifices for what they believe in. That takes courage. The reason why their aren't many religious heros is because of all those reasons. Not many people, in fact, almost no people have the determination to become a hero like that.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
This I Believe
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Hercules Summary
Monday, August 15, 2011
My Bio Poem
Who is sporty, outgoing, loud, humorous, playful.
Who is the sister of Maggie Casey, and Liam Casey.
Who loves Justin Bieber, performing, playing sports, and art.
Who feels sad when birds run into windows.
Who needs Facebook, my dog, my parents and my Ipad.
Who gives hand-me-downs to charities and/or other kids.
Who fears being embarrassed, Failing, and Kidknappers.
Who would like to see the Grand Canyon, the Terra Cotta Army, and the Worlds Biggest Rubber Band Ball.
Who shares the same interest as vets, and Justin Bieber.
Who is a Hockey loving Canadian.
Who is a resident of Malaysia.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Power of Zeus
Sunday, May 22, 2011
All things great come to an end. . . .
Monday, April 11, 2011
FREEDOM. . . FrEeDoM.. . Freedom.. . . freedum.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Will and I
Monday, February 7, 2011
What Did I Make of Toronto?
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Our Minds and How They Work
I work best when I can sit at a certain angle from the front of the classroom to make sure that most of my dominant body parts are facing where they should be in order to hear see or write better more consistently. So it would be easier for me to work if I was on the right side of the classroom. Where my dominant hand and dominant ear are. Therefore I could hear best with my dominant ear and not have to twist my body to write. Of course, I could still learn and participate if I was on the left side of the classroom, but there would be more of a chance that I would get distracted and stare off into the corner of the classroom.
I need to. . .
Sunday, January 9, 2011
New Years Comes With Thinking. . .
Allot happens in a year, we learn, we cry, we eat, sleep, and yes, poop. But most important of all, we expect things from others, and expect things from ourselves. As I said before no one enjoys being let down or letting down others. That's why you have to chose a good and reachable goal at the beginning of the year, called a resolution. For instance my resolution is to get fit and be healthy. Now I expect that of myself and others expect that of me. I need to find out a way to solve me not being fit or healthy, then I act on it, I want to improve on the 100 meter dash, I run on the treadmill. Then I conclude my goal by seeing if I actually reached it.

I will never hesitate when you ask me what time of year is my favorite, because it will always be new years and Christmas. For mostly the same reason, celebration with family, friends, aunts, uncle, neighbors etc. And every new years I am lucky to have great teachers and a family that loves me!