Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Religious Heros

What are the character traits and actions of a religious hero?
Most religious icons believe strongly in their religion. Therefore they are loyal. I also feel that it's hard to obey all or most of the teachings in a religion, if you are going to obey all of them, it becomes your life. And when it becomes hard to live a life by your religion, you need strong. And that is another trait that most heros have. Religious icons are also very brave. They need to make sacrifices for what they believe in. That takes courage. The reason why their aren't many religious heros is because of all those reasons. Not many people, in fact, almost no people have the determination to become a hero like that.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

This I Believe

I chose the story called The Ultimate Sacrifice. It's about this man in the war, who loses a friend by him driving a car delivering food and hitting a land mine. He was talking about how he was always physically prepared for war. But never was he prepared mentally. He had to deal with the mental agony it caused, he was responsible for his well being. What would he tell the parents? The troops? I strongly believe that "The Ultimate Sacrifice" is literally putting your life on the line for what you believe. And the people that do this, should be in everybody's minds. Truly amazing.
Hi everyone, this is Lily and I am going to tell you about my learning profile. I learn best when I sit a couple rows back to the left of the front of the classroom. I need to do more cross lateral activities like knitting and other things to strengthen my left brain. Strategies that would help me learn would be hands on projects. For example, making models, drawings etc. I would like my teacher to know that I try hard to be organized, but sometimes it's a struggle. I am also very busy, and I get tired easily and don't always do my work to the best of my abilities. Thanks!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Hercules Summary

Zeus wanted to create humans, so he asked Prometheus to make them for him. He made them out of earth and clay, but he made one mistake. Prometheus wanted to make them superior, so he stole some fire from Mount Olympus. Zeus was outraged, and he sentenced him to be pinned to a mountain and have a bird eat his liver everyday.

Monday, August 15, 2011

My Bio Poem


Who is sporty, outgoing, loud, humorous, playful.

Who is the sister of Maggie Casey, and Liam Casey.

Who loves Justin Bieber, performing, playing sports, and art.

Who feels sad when birds run into windows.

Who needs Facebook, my dog, my parents and my Ipad.

Who gives hand-me-downs to charities and/or other kids.

Who fears being embarrassed, Failing, and Kidknappers.

Who would like to see the Grand Canyon, the Terra Cotta Army, and the Worlds Biggest Rubber Band Ball.

Who shares the same interest as vets, and Justin Bieber.

Who is a Hockey loving Canadian.

Who is a resident of Malaysia.


Sunday, May 29, 2011

Power of Zeus

Here is an amazingly epic movie trailer based on a greek myth. This is the story of how Zeus came to be. Hope you enjoy it.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

All things great come to an end. . . .

Wow! What an amazing 6th grade. Even though it was my second time, I feel like ISKL prepared me for 7th grade more than my other school! There have been so many things that I am proud of, my most proud of is my layers of the earth project in science. This project was during our "Earths Interior" unit. We got paired up with another person (Sheta) and we had to create a project that somehow represented the layers of the earth. It had to be a scale model that includes facts and the scale. Me and Sheta made a 3D earth made from cardboard and paper. We took two circles, made them to scale, and put a slit in each one, then we slid one into the other and hung it from the wall. Mrs.Rosendale loved it and said that next year she might have everyone do that instead of coming up with their own.

Even though I had a lot of highlights, I also had a lot of assignments and projects that pushed me to my limit. The biggest one was probably the Ancient Egyptian Diary. This probably wouldn't have been a problem if I wasn't in Perth. But when I came back, the catch up was hard work and there was consequences to be made but in the end we got it done and I am happy with myself for that.

Looking back from the beginning of the year 'till now, I think I have definitely grown as a student. Even though this is my second round of it. I enjoyed growing into new habits, and getting into more of a routine. I haven't, though, enjoyed the process. I have had a couple dips in my grade. But I think that more than anything, thats just another opportunity to learn. People aren't judged on their succes, but how they handle their failures.

Now it's onto looking back on myself and evaluate my work habits, I think that behavior in class is satisfactory. Sometimes, I probably frustrate teachers with my loud and over used mouth. But, I also think that I have a positive energy and that I am open to criticism. I think that participation is where I am most strong, I would say that I almost ALWAYS participate in class. I don't enjoy being the person in the corner that doesn't want to be involved. No sir. Now, onto organization. I think that I am satisfactory. I am very organized with science, math, and art. I almost always have my materials for those classes, but humanities (I'm not going to lie) is so so. Sometimes I forget about that peer editing checklist or I didn't bring a book for SSR. But those are problems that will go away over time and with effort. I think I need some help with effort. I get so distracted by what's going on personally that I lose sight of my grades and school. I am going to be blunt, I'm sort of lazy. I don't always do my work in Humanities, I slack off sometimes, but I have learned from my mistakes. Next year, I get to start off with a clean slate.

I have many great feelings about moving to the "upstairs" lockers. But I would like to make two goals for next year:

Goal #1: Work hard, keep my nose to the grindstone. I don't want a repeat of this year. And I want the ability to go on trips and not be traumatized by all the catch-up work.

Goal #2: Read more, I have learned so many things this year just from sitting all alone in my room for and hour and reading. (Even if it is just Justin Bieber's book was born). I need to clear more time to just read.

I am so excited to meet and get to know my new teachers. I think that they mostly know me, but here are some things you should know:
1. I talk a lot sometimes.
2. If you give me the chance, I will be with my friends whenever I can.
3. I think that I have good leader ship abilities.
4. I enjoy hands-on activities.

We did a lot of really enjoyable activities this year. My favorite must have been creating the mobile. I loved printing the pics and creating the design, things like that really help me learn! But the activity we should have spent more time on was the imaginative narrative. I felt rushed and it didn't feel like the best work I could have done.

This has been a year to remember. But future 6th graders, here are some things you should know:
1. When your teacher tells you to follow the lit circle schedule, FOLLOW IT. I made the mistake of not following it and I payed the price.
2. Take peer editing seriously.
3.Have fun! Don't be too serious because then you miss out on all of the fun times. The 6th graders are known for their energy and happiness! Don't end that reputation now!

Overall 6th grade was amazing. Even though I will miss all of my teachers, I can't wait for the journey ahead!

Monday, April 11, 2011

FREEDOM. . . FrEeDoM.. . Freedom.. . . freedum.

Mother and father,

I miss you. As much as I love it here with freedom to spare. I still miss you. It was a long journey to get here. A very long, painful journey. But the day I got here, I realized, it was all worth it. I really wish you had come with me, Henry, and Beanpole.

When I was still in Wherton, I was happy, but as soon as the tripods came, I knew there was going to be trouble. I almost instantly knew, that there was something unnatural about this, and I didn't like it one tiny bit. As soon as I heard about them capping us, that was when things got to hard to handle, I still can't think of my life being controlled in that way, I would hate every minute of it! I wanted to live my life passionately and freely, not controlled and loveless.

Life, is all about taking chances and risks, just by looking at the tripod, being capped would hardly be a life at all. Societies should be able to function on their own, they should have a leader such as a mayor, or a president, or a prime-minister. A leader guides us in the right direction, they give us the freedom to vote and do such things. But the tripods would take down right control of you and leave you no mercy. Everything you think is recorded, your brain sends instant messages, your probably sending them now. I better go before the tripods find out too much.

I miss you and I hope those machines are leaving you be. Like they should be.


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Will and I

Will is a lot like many other kids these days. Except for the whole tripod trying to destroy the world dilema. Will, is growing up, learning and experiencing new things. It can be hard. I know that I ALWAYS question things because I am not convinced I can trust the person. Just like Will was questioning Henry about the tripods. He doesn't particularly like Henry, because he doesn't trust him. Like me, I find it hard to believe people that I don't like.

Being all mixed up in things can also be confusing, on top of all that, he is changing. His mind is becoming more open to suggestions. I believe that because he doesn't think he can do it on his own.

Will is like a lot of kids in this world.

Monday, February 7, 2011

What Did I Make of Toronto?

Hi everyone! My name is Lily, I'm 12 years old and I am from Canada. Where in Canada you ask? Toronto. That's where, and proud of it. That's why I was willing and happy to do Toronto for my presentation. I was dignified to introduce my favorite country in the WORLD to my classmates. But did I live up to the expectations? Was I so happy to do Toronto that I was totally blind-sided of how good it actually was? Well, lets find out for sure!

Ok, so lets l00k at the good side, I feel that I described Toronto's main industries. Printing, meat packing, and so on. And, I also thought that I introduced it well enough for others to get a sense of what Toronto is and what we are known for. I found that the history was simple and easy to understand, BUT not too simple that it didn't give you any information. I felt like the quiz at the end was a good idea. It was there to make sure that people were paying attention and if they actually learned something.

I wouldn't improve anything for my future presentations. Just kidding! There were a couple areas I could DEFINITELY improve in. Like, I think that I could have practiced more on my presenting. I felt that sometimes I stammered on my words. Maybe I should have left out the introduction, I wasn't sure if it was that relevant, BUT I thought that maybe it would be cool if they knew more about Toronto. So I wasn't sure!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Our Minds and How They Work

Ever wondered why you can't focus, why others are always on task, and you're thinking about lunch or your after school activity? Well, I always did. It wasn't easy to find out the truth until a mind boggling Humanities class changed the way I think about my brain. The answer was simple. One body part is better than the other. They are called the dominant body parts. For instance, my dominant hand is my right hand. It works better for righting and catching a ball. These things may determine the way I learn and how I work.

I work best when I can sit at a certain angle from the front of the classroom to make sure that most of my dominant body parts are facing where they should be in order to hear see or write better more consistently. So it would be easier for me to work if I was on the right side of the classroom. Where my dominant hand and dominant ear are. Therefore I could hear best with my dominant ear and not have to twist my body to write. Of course, I could still learn and participate if I was on the left side of the classroom, but there would be more of a chance that I would get distracted and stare off into the corner of the classroom.

I need to. . .

Sunday, January 9, 2011

New Years Comes With Thinking. . .

Every year comes with a challenge. Living up to expectations. No one likes disappointing others, you feel bad, confused angry and so many other feelings it's hard to explain. Resolution. Expectations. Solution. Act. Conclusion. I believe that these are the words most people should live by.

Allot happens in a year, we learn, we cry, we eat, sleep, and yes, poop. But most important of all, we expect things from others, and expect things from ourselves. As I said before no one enjoys being let down or letting down others. That's why you have to chose a good and reachable goal at the beginning of the year, called a resolution. For instance my resolution is to get fit and be healthy. Now I expect that of myself  and others expect that of me. I need to find out a way to solve me not being fit or healthy, then I act on it, I want to improve on the 100 meter dash, I run on the treadmill. Then I conclude my goal by seeing if I actually reached it.

But before all that new years resolution junk, there's Christmas. Christmas, I am pretty sure that Christmas is the most celebrated holiday in the U.S and Canada. Every year traditions are followed, gifts are wrapped, and trees are decorated. But the most special part, the whole family in christmas pajamas opening presents and drinking hot chocolate on christmas morning. This year my parents went above and beyond and got me something I always wanted but NEVER believed I could get. I guess I was an extra good girl that year because when we ran to our stockings, I saw and white box about the size of a laptop with an image of and Ipad on it. I couldn't believe it!! Gaahhh! I got an Ipad! At first I thought that my mom was playing a joke and there would be nothing inside. But I opened the box and saw a black screen and thought at that moment that nothing could be cooler. I quickly closed the box and set it down gently, then if I RAN over to my mom and dad and hugged them. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank thank  thank thank yooouuu!!!!"

I will never hesitate when you ask me what time of year is my favorite, because it will always be new years and Christmas. For mostly the same reason, celebration with family, friends, aunts, uncle, neighbors etc. And every new years I am lucky to have great teachers and a family that loves me!
